Mueller 1500 gallon

Mueller 1500 gallon
Mueller 1500 gallon Custom Model F tank Built ‘ 2003 Over all tank OD (with Ladder) ‘ 110" Tank ID ‘ 96" Over all tank height ‘ 121.5" Over all tank height with agitator ‘ 135.5" Discharge height ‘ 20.5" Leg height ‘ 49" Load cell height ‘ 3" Description: Used- Mueller Mix Tank, 1,500 Gallon, Model F, 304 Stainless Steel, Vertical. Approximate 96" diameter x 42" straight side, dish top, cone bottom. Internal rated 0 psi at 70 degrees F. Top entering anchor style agitator with sidewall and bottom scraper, approximate 3" diameter shaft, bottom supported, driven by an approximate 5 HP, 3/60/230/460 volt, 1730 rpm gear motor, 153.21 to 1 ratio. Openings top: 18" manway with cover, (2) 2", 3", 5" (for agitator), side: (1) 2". 4" Center bottom outlet. (2) Spray balls, (1) top entering baffle. Mounted on 6 legs. Serial# 295249-2, built 2003.
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